Sunday, April 5, 2009

content or restless

today I see how much I need to practice contentedness in the midst of chaos and beauty. I find myself reaching for everything instead of reveling in what is. and rest is being replaced with restlessness. it's time for a revamp of the soul. it's sunday after all, and I want to conquer the world. today is a day of rest, and the world can wait. but it is hard to appreciate the beauty in the midst of the chaos. I need tunnel vision. But then again, I think as you focus on it, it becomes more evident to the point where you no longer see the chaos but are smitten, truly in love with the beauty that has been given to you. It's my time to turn my eyes that direction.

I've decided to become more personal and real in my blogs (today, see how long it lasts) so here's a taste of my day, and my heart, and my deepest thoughts at this moment.

I think we all deal with this on a daily basis anyway, in this world where we are constantly told we don't have enough, we aren't enough, and other people have it better.

But we have so much to be grateful for.

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